Monday 27 February 2012

Unit 03 - Awareness of Converging Digital Technology within the Creative Media Sector

In order to achieve the standards set out in the assessment criteria, you are requied to cover the following topics in a blog. Please use the title...

Unit 03 – Awareness of Converging Digital Technology within the Creative Media Sector

Understand the use of digital technology within the Creative Media sector

What does this mean? What do we mean by digital technology? What is the Creative Media sector? How does this affect us day-to-day?
  • Describe the uses of digital technology within the Creative Media sector.
  • What relationships has the use of digital technology created between industry, and the Creative Media sector?
  • Describe the issues relating to copyright with digital technology i.e. file sharing, is this legal? If yes, why? If no, why not?
  • Explain what is meant by 'converging technology'.
  • Explain the impact of converging technology on the workforce within a specific Creative Media workforce.
  • Describe how audiences expectations of technology change as technology changes i.e. On demand television, watching TV is no longer confined to a television as people watch TV on laptops / mobile phones etc,
  • Describe how this multi-platformed approach to media use has allowed the media industry to reach new audiences.
  • Describe the commissioning process, and funding available for converging technologies.
  • Explain how we can identify, and exploit, converging technology.
  • Identify, research, and plan, a product to be used within a converging technology i.e. and app / a website etc
  • Evaluate your findings from your plan.
Use the internet to aid you in the completion of this task.

Once complete, copy your blog url (e.g. in the COMMENT section underneath. We will then click the link and assess your blog from there.


The links below give you a general idea of how the creative media industries distribute and use material within the sector through converging technologies:


2.1, 2.2

3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3

Outcomes covered in this blog:
Unit 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3

Unit 02 - Communicating and Presenting Ideas in the Creative Media Sector

In order to achieve the standards set out in the assessment criteria, you are requied to cover the following topics in a blog. Please use the title...

Unit 02 – Communicating and Presenting Ideas in the Creative Media Sector
Understand how to communiucate in the workplace

What does this mean? How do we communicate ideas with individuals? What form do these take? 
  • Describe several different communication techniques and explain how you can use these appropriately.
  • Describe the different techniques used to communicate ideas effectively.
  • Describe how to give and receive constructive feedback.
  • How can you make sure you convey technical and specialist knowledge to others who are potentially not as 'technically savy' as you?
Use the internet to aid you in the completion of this task.


Once complete, copy your blog url (e.g. in the COMMENT section underneath. We will then click the link and assess your blog from there.

Outcomes covered in this blog:
Unit 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4

Unit 01 – Awareness of Employment within the Creative Media Sector

In order to achieve the standards set out in the assessment criteria, you are requied to cover the following topics in a blog. Please use the title...

Unit 01 – Awareness of Employment within the Creative Media Sector

Describe the main types of employment status within the Creative Media sector

What does this mean? It is not asking you to list the types of jobs available within the Creative Media sector, it is asking you about the different types of employment status.
  • Research the terms - full time / fixed contract / part time / freelance, and describe the differences between each type of employment status.
  • How do they affect you as an employee?
  • What benefits do you get from one type of employment compared to another?
  • How secure are each of these types of employment compared to each other?
  • Is there any element of flexibility in the terms of the contract?
  • How do you pay tax and National Insurance? Is this taken from your salary or are you responsible for paying your own?
  • Compile a list of graphic design and web design companies in the north east.
  • List the skills required for these specific roles.
  • Indicate how you would apply for a specific job within the Creative Media sector and what skills would be needed in order to do this successfully.
Use the internet to aid you in the completion of this task.

1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Once complete, copy your blog url (e.g. in the COMMENT section underneath. We will then click the link and assess your blog from there.

Outcomes covered in this blog:
Unit 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.2.1, 1.2.2